Disclaimer - The following content is presented to showcase my skills, experience, and capabilities based on my involvement in the project. Due to security concerns, the presented information is controlled, and the images are representative/stock.

My Projects

NAVAIR Cockpit Refresh

Our team was tasked with updating the design, technology, and experience of a NAVAIR aircraft to improve the pilot’s situational awareness, safety, and mission effectiveness.

  • I was tasked to create workshop activities to collect insights on the software and keyboard experience.

    My favorite part of this experience was taking an idea on a sticky note to being an activity used in the workshop.

  • Facilitated a 3-day workshop with 14 NAVAIR pilots and engineers. I supported the team by leading activities, preparing materials, documenting ideas, and engaging participants.

    A memorable moment that came during these conversations and activities was when a pilot allowed me to wear their gear. By the end of the workshop, the participants had created a near-future and far-future cockpit design.

  • After the workshop was completed, the team and I began a post-workshop synthesis. This entailed virtually documenting all the relevant insights and affinity diagramming concepts together.

    With the workshop data digitized, the team began connecting the data to results from other phases of the process. This would include quotes, themes, pain points, concepts, and more.

Creating the Next Gen of Attack Submarines

How might we design “X“ to flexibly accommodate execution and evolution of “Y“ for the next century?

  • This was a great learning experience because this was my first time encountering a framework. Our team used these frameworks to create a shared understanding of the project.

    Our team later used this framework to effectively communicate the team’s research and data to sponsors.

  • The team wanted to get more fresh ideas from other domains into our context. By examining other industries and problems, our team became inspired through the cross-pollination of ideas.

    I connected with peers and mentors at relevant companies to set up meetings so our teams could share ideas, practices, and more.

  • The emerging technology primer is a book our team shares with user group participants before an upcoming workshop. With the workshop closely approaching, I was tasked to update this primer with new emerging technologies that could assist in creativity, ideation, and solution crafting at the workshop.

Experience Takeaways

Tensions in complex systems show opportunities to improve, innovate, and redefine an experience.

Complex systems often have various components, users, interactions, constraints, challenges, etc. Instead of viewing these elements as roadblocks, identify what in the system is at tension. What things are design trade-offs? With each tension or trade-off, there is a potential opportunity to innovate, improve, and reimagine an experience in a more user-centric way.

Work somewhere people appreciate you.

This takeaway developed from the contrast in experience between my internship experiences. At APL, I found an environment where people socialized, recognized people’s efforts with gratitude, and a positive work culture. Being a team member in this environment only fueled my enthusiasm and personal development. The people made this experience more worthwhile than anything I could’ve imagined.

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