My Favorite Playlists

Good Vibes


Cooking Dinner

I started playing an instrument (the clarinet) in the 4th grade! Ever since I started, I had a passion for music and was selected for numerous distinguished solo & ensemble, and all-county bands.

Featured in the photo are me and my grandmother after performing at the field museum in middle school.

This led to my high school enrollment at a Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS). I had never experienced teaching, educating, and training on this level before. I would receive more accolades and be selected for the all-state band.

Featured are me and my bass clarinet buddy, Kendyll. In the photo, Kendyll and I finished performing at an alumni concert.

In my junior year (2018), I was selected for Kentucky Ambassadors of Music which toured through Europe stopping in England, France, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Germany, and Austria. I’ve loved classical music ever since.

Featured is my friend group and me in Switzerland in front of Matterhorn!

My Classical Music Journey




Physical Health & Sports